Nevermind is a biofeedback-enhanced psychological thriller inviting you to discover an obscure and surreal world in the deepest minds of trauma patients. As you solve puzzles and explore the complex labyrinths of the mind, biofeedback technology monitors your feelings of fear, tension and anxiety at every moment. If you let your fears take over, the game becomes more difficult. If you are able to calm down in the face of terror, the game will be more lenient...
The goal of Nevermind is to create an unforgettable gaming experience that can teach you to be more aware of your unique internal responses to stressful situations. If you manage to control your feelings of stress and anguish in the troubling Nevermind realm, imagine what you can do to face the inevitable moments of stress in real life ...
Nevermind is designed to take advantage of some of the most powerful technologies available to make it an unforgettable new experience ... Nevermind currently interfaces with several technologies that can read physiological responses, interpret emotional responses, and follow eye movement. Where can I take the world of Nevermind through virtual reality! Each technology can be used separately and many can be combined, creating a new immersive and responsive gaming experience...