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🏔 Os
Os is a generative art project that generates an endless video of different landscapes based on audio input. Currently it is mainly developed as a part of Resonance (A project that combines two eternal streams of ever changing, resonating music and land).
An audio viewing experience for the browser. Powered by d3.js and the web audio API. Works best in Chrome. Working demo:
Try dragging an mp3 from your desktop!.
How to make your first generative art with P5.js
Did you ever thought about all around us is generated by nature? Leaf patterns, fingertips, faces, everything. Is it art? Sure. Art of interaction of order and randomness. I want to show you how to make your own generated art with P5.js library.
Put on some music, hit the beat in time, and create generative art out of it
An interesting use of Phaser!
Just start playing a piece of music (like in iTunes or from a stream), then click on the beat interaction. You will see that it generates a beautiful pulsating wave of graphic effects, which move and move in time with your mouse clicks.
Phaser is a fun, free, and fast 2D game framework for creating HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
Explain the key concept of the tutorials
Explain that this collection series should be viewed as entry-level exercises for beginners (something like sample tutorials in a Processing, Html5, or Python website).