Technological singularity: the future of humanity?

The concept of "technological singularity" describes a moment that registered a scale break in the evolution of our technological progress. Thierry Berthier. The exponential development of new technologies (information, nano-, quanto-, bio ...) and their fast convergence, reactivate the deep and ancient concepts of transhumanism and posthumanism and we questioned our ability to access a key event that called "Technological Singularity" What is meant by singularity? This term clearly refers to the gravitational singularity generated by a black hole cosmology and the related concept of deformation and discontinuity of space-time in the immediate vicinity of the black hole. As of that date or event, our technological growth abruptly change of scale, several orders up,progress, scientific discoveries are the result of forces and non-human energies or posthuman, from the Artificial intelligence (AI)...

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