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Intelligent robots will replace 50% of jobs, warn researchers

By 30 years, the machines will be able to do almost any work that humans can do, said computer scientist Moshe Vardi at Rice University in the American Congress Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) : "We are approaching the moment where machines will surpass humans in almost every task," he began. No profession is immune, not even sex workers ... "If the machines are able to do almost all the work that humans do, what will these last? "Artificial intelligence could lead to a global unemployment of 50%, he believes, destroying the jobs of the middle class and exacerbating inequalities. The world economy can it adapt to a proportion of more than 50% of the population unemployed? asked he. Those who are unemployed are content they live a life of leisure? "One can wonder about the level of intelligence that these robots can reach and if humans are not likely one day to lose control," he pointed ...